College planning tips are probably the most requested item on this blog. I have a theory…
Managing multiple college courses, each with multiple assignments, multiple resources, work assignments and responsibilities, and the rest of family and life responsibilities is hard. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed, behind, and out of control with all of the things we need to stay on top of.
And a plan feels good. It’s great to feel in control, know we just follow the plan, things get done, and we’re awesome sauce.
I am one of the biggest planners you will ever meet, and I know it’s because a solid plan lets me relax, stop worrying, and focus on what’s ahead of me just at this moment.
Depending on where you are at in the term, these college planning tips may help:
- Semester Planning Strategy – do this when the semester begins
- Assignment Planning – do this ALWAYS to stay on top of everything and never forget an assignment or important date
- Free Daily Study Planner – use this to make a plan to fit in study time with your day tomorrow
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